Have you ever wondered why the angel goes to Joseph to instruct him about saving Mary and the child Jesus' life? Why didn't the angel speak to Mary or to Jesus and have them protect the family? The answer is seen in the Book of Genesis...
Merry Christmas to you and your family! The birth of Jesus was the most amazing event in human history!! But what about TOMORROW?? What about what happens to us when we actually encounter this Little Baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes? How do we live with this Little Newborn King in our lives?
Have you ever wondered where the Hail Mary is at in the Bible? Why do we say the Hail Mary? And exactly WHO is Mary? Check out this homily to find out the answers to this most important person, out Mother Mary and the Mother of God!!
In this homily we talk about the Lord being the GREAT I AM... He is not in the future... nor is He in the past. Living in the future or the past just causes anxiety and regret. God is not there! He is the Great I Am! He is in the present moment! There will experience peace!
Who is John the Baptist? What is his role in salvation history and in our lives? What can he teach us on how to prepare in this Advent for Christmas? Check out this homily to know who the original Voice is!!
In this homily you will hear a take on St. Joseph like you've never heard before! Journey though this First Sunday of Advent with St. Joseph and find out how he can teach us to prepare for the Coming of Jesus in this Advent Season!